Inter Milan AC Milan
Inter Milan VS AC Milan
2024-09-22 01:00 PM San Siro
From 435.61$

Inter Milan VS AC Milan

Italian Serie A

22 Sep 2024

20:00 Date not confirmed

San Siro

Inter Milan VS AC Milan
ANELLI ROSSO ANELLI VERDE ANELLI BLU ANELLI ARANCIO TORRE 1 TORRE 4 TORRE 8 TORRE 11 140 142 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4
  • Section Long Side Lower
  • Section Long Side Second Tier
  • Section Long Side Upper
  • Section Behind The Goal
All sales are final. No changes or cancellation can be made.
Events dates and time are subject to change, it is your responsibility to check with the official organizer of the event for updates.
Age restrictions may apply, please check with the official venue / official organizer for more details.
Prices are set by sellers and may be lower or higher than face value. Prices exclude handling and delivery fees. Original face value prices you can find in the official organizer web site.
After you purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with your ticket delivery details and timing. Make sure to specify your correct email address during the purchase process.
Long Side Lower
Tickets Seated In Pairs
653.42 $ each
Long Side Second Tier
Tickets Seated In Pairs
571.74 $ each
Long Side Upper
Tickets Seated In Pairs
490.06 $ each
Behind The Goal
Tickets Seated In Pairs
435.61 $ each

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